Helping people live well so they can lead well
The clock is ticking. You only get ONE shot at your ONE life.
Your ONE Life is a roadmap for taking extreme ownership of your ONE life and living the life you deeply long for.
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Your ONE Life
Own It. Live It. Love It.Order OnAmazon
High Impact Teams
Where Healthy Meets High PerformanceOrder OnAmazon
Live and Lead From A Healthy SoulOrder OnAmazon
Replenish One Life Process Training
If you have a passion and heart to help people live their One Life with purpose and intentionality, this training is for you. The Replenish One Life Process training is God-centered and will equip you to help people gain clarity for their lives and build a roadmap for their future. If you have a desire to help others… …then this training
My Life is Hard BLESSED
Every now and then we all need a good dose of “perspective”. A few days ago I was preparing a message from an intriguing story in 2 Kings 7. It is the story of 4 lepers sitting at the city gate of Samaria. Surrounding the city is the Aramean army and rather than fight they decide to just cut off
When Firing Someone… Be Kind and Clear
I recently talked with a friend call me about a challenging staff member. It had all the normal ingredients of a typical staff “situation”… poor chemistry, differences in ministry philosophy, and colliding expectations. The bottom line is that “it just wasn’t working” and everybody knew it. As we talked, it was clear that my friend had made the decision to
The #1 Job of a Leader
I want you to think of someone that you believe is a great leader. Go ahead… think of someone that you respect as a leader. Have you got their name in your mind? Now, answer this question: What qualities do they possess that makes them a great leader? I’m sure that if we surveyed 100 people with that question we
Ten Commandments of Technology and Teamwork
Virtually anything that can be productive can also be destructive, and this is certainly true for technology. Computers, the internet and smart phones have opened up a world of opportunity for us and the advancement of the Gospel, but technology also has a dark side. Last week I shared 1-5 of The Ten Commandments of Technology and Teamwork. View Part
Ten Commandments of Technology and Teamwork (Part 1 of 2)
Virtually anything that can be productive can also be destructive. Whether it’s a car, a knife, or a credit card, these “tools” can help or hurt people. This principle also applies to technology. It has given ministries the opportunity to multiply exponentially and has made the bible accessible to billions. But technology also has a dark side. Not only has
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